Message from Jesus from the spiritual world 38.
Jesus’ message from the spiritual world goes like this, because you are good for your humans only so as you have been taught, you are not able to make all covering spreading of goodness meant by the spiritual world, because never one can accomplish all covering activity of the spiritual world, unless into this there is acceptance of the spiritual world. Because you are also in accordance with Jesus as well good to each other, you are not able to influence into this with yourselves almost at all, because you are being guided to act more in accordance with Christianity, from which one leaves away Jesus’ exemplary activity, and he is being elevated as a divinity. In this manner you are not able to assume myself as well to be fallible and completely humane person, which there are not only but one. But truly each not counting the Creator should accept themselves completely able into same as what Jesus has been and is on this day as well, a spirit of human, which there are hundreds of thousands as continuous activity been made during unmeasured ages, from which I only am the only one created as first.
AI Comment on the text
In this message, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of accepting the spiritual world and aligning oneself with its principles in order to spread goodness throughout the world. He suggests that humans cannot accomplish all-encompassing acts of goodness without accepting the spiritual world and its guidance. Additionally, he highlights the need to recognize oneself as a fallible and completely human person, rather than elevating Jesus as a divine figure. This message encourages individuals to strive towards a life of service and good deeds, while also recognizing the limitations of human nature and the importance of seeking guidance from the spiritual world.
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