Published on 6.10.2012
In the neutrino world, there are very few wrongful entities. In the neutrino world, there are entities, which are thinking in a very far-reached manner. All our entities function very wrongfully in our neutrino world. The injustices of all the wrongful entities function in the neutrino world very badly. All the entities of the neutrino world are very cursed from the injustice of humans. All our entities have a good occult meaning in our neutrino world.
All our entities in the neutrino world have an occultic thinking function, with the help from which the entities of the neutrino world function very finally. By functioning finally one means that all the entities have a final functioning, in which injustice doesn’t take place so much. In our neutrino world, one acted very wrongfully during all the ages. The functions of the neutrino world are very different than the functions of the world, because the neutrino world is a function upholding the world.
The entities of the neutrino world form from very small units, which form the material world. All our entities have the ability to speak to the entities of the neutrino world, which can tell from the functions of the neutrino world. The functions are very wrongful, because the neutrino world can create things into the material world. All the bodies of the entities of the material world have formed from these neutrinos of the spiritual world. The neutrinos of the spiritual world are small units, which have lots of adaptability to function on the level of the material world.
All our entities have the ability to talk with the entities of the neutrino world through channeling, because the speaking ability has been restricted from the spirit entities and from the physical entities so that one can’t gain audibility to the smallest entities, because it would be too wrongful information. However, in greater configurations even the smallest entities can converse with the entities greater in size.
The entities of our neutrino world function very wrongfully very rarely, because the entities of the neutrino world are the furthest from injustice. The furthest from injustice the entities of the neutrino world function very orthodoxly, because the entities of the neutrino world are constructed so correctly. In our neutrino world, there are lots of wrongful entities doing their works of injustice although, because the wrongdoers are very twisted for our entities. All our wrongdoers aren’t so living in our world, but they live also in the neutrino world. In the neutrino world, one lives also like one here in our systems of the Creator.
The entities of the neutrino world function very twistedly due to wrongdoers. The wrongdoers are entities on the level of the appliance enchantments, which don’t have reasonable thinking towards other entities, but they want only to harm all matters. All matters function very wrongfully in our systems of the Creator, because all have so many needs of development. All needs of development are causing very wrongful activity; because the need to develop gives everyone a possibility to function wrongfully, if there only is more benefit from it than harm from the injustice it causes.
In our neutrino world, there are very high level entities, which do their wrongful work to uphold everything. They function in a very peculiar way, because they are kinder than is even imagined. All the wrongful information is very wrongful activity. Very wrongful functions are the most difficult for the Creator’s systems to control into better direction. The wrongful activity is very much increasing injustice. The injustice increasing activity belongs also to the activity of the neutrino world, because the tiny entities are very twisted in relation to everyone. The tiny entities of ours have very twisted functions, when the tiny entities have difficult tasks also in the future.
All the wrongful entities function in accordance with the neutrino world, because they can be guided on a small level to act like they act, when everything takes place in accordance with the system of the spiritual world. All activity belongs to the activity of the neutrino world, because everything takes place as very controlled from the smallest to the greatest and the neutrino world is the smallest from its units. All our entities have very twisted systems, when they can’t believe into the conformity with the system of the most wrongful entities. Although the punishment activity is such most important matter, which the wrongful entities carry out to other entities while being guided by the system of the spiritual world.
All our systems are very twisted from the problems of the neutrino world, because the neutrino world functions from its core righteously, because the Creator has made the neutrino world to function from the beginning more righteously than how he himself could act while being in the physical world. Although in the systems of the spiritual world, everything functions more righteously from the beginning.
Our entities of the neutrino world function very wrongfully also towards the Creator at times. The Creator’s entities are very twisted entities already originally. All the Creator’s entities function very wrongfully. Furthermore, in the neutrino world there are so wrongful entities. The wrongful entities function always in accordance with the neutrino world, because the neutrino world rotates everything with injustice. All our entities function very wrongfully, but although they are being guided in accordance with wrongdoing, because the wrongdoers are very much as guided. Our guided entities function very wrongfully, but they don’t although function on the level of a human, but they function as guided by the entities of the neutrino world.
All the entities guided by the neutrino world rotate all their injustice without justice, because their activity is monstering. At its worst the Creator’s systems became destroyed due to all wrongdoing, but the neutrino world remained functioning all the time, because no one can break the neutrino world, which is the foundation of everything. There one can’t get to almost in any way not even while functioning in a completely right way, because in the neutrino world no one can live even an instant. This is due to the blocking of injustice of the Creator’s systems, because when injustice has been prevented, all entities get better along with each other.
In our neutrino world, there are very wrongful entities breaking their own cursed parts. The entities of the neutrino world function so as curse removing for all the most cursed entities. This is called floating, when the spirit entity floats in the external energy mush of the universe, which consists of entities of the neutrino world in their original assembly, so the neutrino world hasn’t formed materials from itself in the energy mush. In this kind of mush, the cursed parts can become unraveled by only so to speak floating in there. Floating is very wrongful activity for all the most cursed, because they shouldn’t gain so easy repairing in the opinion of everyone.
Floating is so very wrongful activity at times, because while floating all the curses become destroyed, and the entity becomes better functioning, but not although more educated. Due to this, the Creator’s systems recommend the dismantling of curses with own repairing activity, when entities learn from the dismantling of curses all the necessary information, because the cursed parts are born precisely from unknown matters, which one doesn’t find out while floating.
The injustices of all the wrongful entities will become repaired in later times. In our neutrino world, one act very wrongfully to a lesser extent, because the action of all the entities is perfect in the neutrino world, except not from that part, that all entities would know everything about everything. The functions of all the entities as living entities are like entities of the neutrino world to a lesser extent, but the small entities function as more permanent small constructions, when injustices are in their minimum. Even with continuous activity the small entities of the neutrino world don’t go wrongful.
All entities function in the Creator’s systems like the entities of the neutrino world. The injustices of all the entities are learnable by the entities of the neutrino world, when the neutrino world knows from everything wrongful in a great scale. All our entities function by guided by the neutrino world in the end, when all are controlled starting from small parts. Nothing can so be outside the system. All the functions of the system are very cursing for all the entities, because injustice is being cursed into the minds of humans, so that they could comprehend controlling even in a greater scale. All the entities can so be controlled in greater scale by the living entities by commanding the curses of the entities.
In our neutrino world, one acted very wrongfully in earlier times, because the entities of our neutrino world functioned in a very cursed way. The cursed entities functioned in our neutrino world in a very wrongful way. All the wrongful ways to act were Creator’s wrongful thoughts for other entities. The action of all the wrongful entities is very twisted.
All our entities functioned more wrongfully than was even imagined. The action of all our entities is very twisted, because the Creator wanted all his entities to become twisted. All the wrongful entities functioned so in a very cursed way, because the action of all the wrongful entities is very twisted. Twisted action is due to the ability of the neutrino world to make new entities from twisted functions.
In our neutrino world, there are very wrongful entities, which would beat even the Creator in wrongdoing, but they can’t be brought into the world except with special permissions. They are appliance enchantments of the spiritual world, which have lots of injustice with them. However, the Creator would win them in the end, although, because they are very wrongful with the help from the Creator’s deals.
All the appliance enchantments of the spiritual world are with the help from the Creator’s deal similarly wrongful with each other, because the Creator has made the appliance enchantments similarly wrongful. Similarly wrongful appliance enchantments function very twistedly, when all our entities have lots of injustice with them. All our appliance enchantments are organized by the neutrino world, when the appliance enchantments function always in a right way, in accordance with the Creator’s system.
Very wrongful appliance enchantments are so very harmful for other entities, but although in accordance with the Creator’s system. The appliance enchantments in accordance with the Creator’s system aren’t functioning in relation to wrongful humans, but the appliance enchantments have to act wrongfully towards other humans. This is due to the Creator’s deal, in which the Creator has organized all our wrongdoers as a target of revenge of the appliance enchantments.
Our appliance enchantments are very twisted entities, who are always a bit more well off than what many other entities have. The most fixed-term system of all the entities was destroyed in earlier times with the help from the appliance enchantments. Such were victim systems, which the appliance enchantments destroy by directing the punishments in accordance with the Creator’s systems to the wrongdoers.
Appliance enchantments are very wrongful entities, against whom no one can match even in the Creator’s systems as a wrongdoer. Because they have been very destructive beginning from earlier times. With the help from the appliance enchantments on can do very many procedures, with which one gains advancement into the world. All wrongful entities are guided by the appliance enchantments, when all our entities have deals with the appliance enchantments.
With the help from the appliance enchantments, all our entities function very wrongfully from the perspective of the Creator. From the perspective of the Creator, the functions of all the entities are very wrongful. The actions of all our entities are very wrongful activity, when the Creator makes wrongful measures to wrongful humans, so that humans would gain their injustice better under control.
Everyone’s wrongful measures are very cursed measures, which the neutrino world controls although. All our entities function very wrongfully, which is according to the Creator very wrongful activity. According to the Creator, the injustices should be gotten even more under control than what other humans would want to control them. All our entities are wrongful from their cursed parts, when even the Creator notices wrongdoers. Our wrongdoers function very twistedly, which again is due to the action of the neutrino world; to gain all humans to act more in accordance with it.
All our entities function very wrongfully, which leads to very wrongful activity. Our entities don’t know how to do any wrongful activity without the guidance of the neutrino world, but the neutrino world can make our humans do the most horrifying works. The most horrific works are very twisted in the thoughts of humans.
All the entities of the neutrino world function very wrongfully, because in our neutrino world, one acts very wrongfully. The entities of the neutrino world function so that all the entities notice each other. The entities notice each other when they function in a group. The entities of the neutrino world are functioning in a group so that the entities make lots of service work for each other. All the works are wrongful. The action of the wrongful entities corresponds to a lesser extent the activity of the neutrino world, because the entities of the neutrino world are very wrongful to a lesser extent, when again larger entities are more wrongful.
Our wrongful entities have twisted thoughts with them, with which they do injustice by destroying also the Creator’s systems. The systems are very wrongful, because all entities function very wrongfully. All entities function very wrongfully, when the neutrino world punishes entities also in the world, which act in accordance with their injustice.
All entities function everywhere against the neutrino world, because great entities don’t know from their injustice as well as smaller ones. The functioning of all the entities is very wrongful activity, when the Creator’s systems border wrongdoers. Our wrongdoers are in the Creator’s system the most wrongful entities. Them the neutrino world controls to do wanted things, so one benefit also from wrongdoers.
Our wrongdoers have very wrongful thoughts. Thoughts function very wrongfully, because everyone is so twisted for our wrongdoers. Our wrongdoers function very gapingly concerning functioning entities. Our wrongdoers have very twisted thoughts thanks to the neutrino world. In our neutrino world, there are so entities controlling wrongful activity.
Entities function very wrongfully while being guided by the neutrino world, but although entities are functioning orthodoxly also as wrongful, because such activity is being governed with these small entities, which there are in the neutrino world endlessly. In our neutrino world, there is very wrongful activity to a lesser extent.
All the injustices of the wrongful entities function in accordance with the instructions of the neutrino world. All our entities are instructed by the neutrino world. All our guided functioned wrongfully in earlier times. The earlier times were very cursed matters, but in modern times there have been gained reason enough into everything, so that the world can be made better functioning. All the functions of the world are very twisted matters, which become twisted always at times.
In our neutrino world, one acted very wrongfully already in earlier times, because humans are so much under punishment. Humans under punishment functioned very wrongfully in relation to other humans. Such is very usual activity. No one is a perfect human not including the Creator, because the Creator is so fully learned from the matters of life. With the help from all the magics of the Creator, the world can be healed very soon.
The entities of the neutrino world are very perfect also, so they function on the level of the Creator as small units. The entities of the neutrino world functioning on the level of the Creator are very wrongful for the ones functioning righteously, because the entities functioning righteously on the level of the Creator need education from wrongdoing always at times, when the entities of the neutrino world are very twisted in relation to their matters.
The injustices of all the wrongful entities are very doubled up functions, with the help from which the neutrino world holds up fear about the dangerousness of wrongdoing. From wrongdoing one has to so frighten humans according to the neutrino world, so that injustice wouldn’t come true in a too easy way. All our wrongful entities are very twisted in relation to all the matters, when the neutrino world can guide them easily. The entities of the neutrino world function very twistedly usually. The injustices of all the entities become as a punishment for all in later times, although not many believe it.
The injustices of all our entities are very twisted according to the entities of the neutrino world, also these writings are wrongful activity, because injustice is impossible to close off from any activity; also inaction is injustice. All injustices are according to the neutrino world to be closed off as well as possible. All the injustices as good as possible are very wrongful activity.
AI Comment on text
It appears that the text is discussing the nature of sin and wrongdoing in the context of a larger metaphysical system involving spiritual beings and cosmic order. The text suggests that humans are inherently flawed and often engage in wrongdoing, but that this behavior is ultimately punished by the spiritual realm. The text also discusses the role of the neutrino world in guiding and controlling the actions of humans and the consequences of those actions.