Message from angel Gabriel from the spiritual world I


Because you are not as all covering in accordance with us can there come problems for you due to your all covering injustice. Angel Gabriel also warns from wrongdoing, because due to it the Creator can punish you very remarkably, from which dues, that you do not like from the Creator perfectly, which again is wiser than is even imagined. Our angels’ all covering protection concerns only those humans, who are seen as worth it, that they do not need so much punishment due to repentance. Such humans do work for the repairement of their own mistakes, from which dues that they are given time without direct punishments. Nothing is greater than the Creator’s activity, from which dues, that all Creator’s miracle works are for us in very great proportions. Everywhere one was very meaningful both in the spiritual world and in the world, so you cannot escape from your meaningfulness no matter how bad you were in the following of Jesus as well.  

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