Questions to Satan 2


Q: Are you the worst entity of all from all entities?
A: I’m very badness like, but not although perfect in my badness.
Q: How does badness manifest in you?
A: So that I act in accordance with badness in everything.
Q: What kind of activity does this mean?
A: From it one isn’t allowed to tell to a world’s human.

Q: Are you that, which is called as Satan?
A: I’m the entity called as Satan, this kind of information isn’t very dishonest.
Q: How are you like, are you such, as one imagines in the world Satan to be?
A: I’m not precisely such as I would be with the information of the world, because into the world one has spread misleading information from my activity.
Q: Why isn’t there true knowledge of you in the world?
A: In the world there is to some extent true knowledge about me, but not although ever completely as the matters are in the spiritual world.

Q: Who is, in your opinion, the most wrongful entity?
A: It is the Creator.
Q: In which way is the Creator the most wrongful entity?
A: The Creator is so vast spirit entity, that one can’t do greater injustice than what the Creator does.
Q: Do you strive to be wrongful in your activity?
A: I do strive to at times, although I’m more badness like than anyone else, when I don’t concentrate into doing injustice, but into perfect victory parade from the part of goodness.

Q: What do you think for the world’s humans?
A: The world’s humans are on a high level under my influence.
Q: What kind of influence to you inflict to the world’s humans?
A: The world’s humans are on a high level as my target.
Q: How does your influence show in the world?
A: It shows in such a way, that I’m very wrongful to all the entities of the world, because I’m this kind of the most wrongful on a high level in the minds of the humans of the world.
Q: What does one think of you in the spiritual world?
A: That I’m the most wrongful a bit less than what is imagined about me in the world. Humans had to only educate in the history about goodness and badness, so that everyone wouldn’t only do injustice without knowing it.

Q: Who are important entities to you?
A: They are angels no matter what.
Q: How are these angels like?
A: They are angels of badness, which live here in Hell on a high level.
Q: How is your relation with them?
A: Angels implement all the Hell’s functions, into which I also belong.

Q: Where do you live?
A: I live everywhere in the spiritual world, although not in the areas inhabited by angels. In Heaven I can also visit at times.
Q: What do you do, for example, in Heaven?
A: Developing of all the good humans in the knowing of badness. I’m there physically at times so.
Q: Are you always accepted in Heaven?
A: Heaven is slightly more factual from its information than our miserable planet Earth, when in Heaven even to me there aren’t said on a high level anything more strange. Problematic information.

Q: How old are you?
A: I’m slightly older than was even imagined, but not although as myself. I act as a bit renewed. Some time ago I was from my soul a different entity. This is due to the final judgment.
Q: Are you although him who is called as Satan? What do you mean that you were a different entity from your soul?
A: As Satan I have been short time ago, I’m different from my soul than what Satan was in modern times. This is due to the final judgment, where perfectly deceased were destroyed and into their bodies was a new spirit entity created.

Q: From what have you come to be?
A: I’ve come to be from the Creator’s appliance.
Q: How has this taken place?
A: I was created to make everyone’s matters good.
Q: Have you succeeded in this?
A: I haven’t, because I have betrayed my meaning. This belonged to the plans by the Creator.
Q: Are you so nowadays different from your meaning than when you were born?
A: I’m except in the Creator’s opinion, because I have changed to become hateful towards the Creator’s systems later on.
Q: What does the Creator expect from you?
A: That I do destruction works to the Creator’s systems, so that nothing inoperative would get in power in the systems.

Q: Do angels exist?
A: Of course, because angels are spiritual world’s basic elements.
Q: Where do the angels originate from?
A: From realizations taken place during humans’ lives, when angels are born once we have understood very clearly matters, which the Creator’s systems can appreciate.

Q: Do demons exist?
A: They do indeed, demons are also as Satan’s underlings at least partly.
Q: Are demons harmful to humans?
A: Not always, but my demons are always as enemies to humans.
Q: For what reason does a human become an enemy to you and to some demons?
A: Because they have been more wrongful than is permitted according to demons.

Q: Why do you communicate with me?
A: I communicate because it is beneficial activity to me.
Q: How do you gain benefit from it?
A: I benefit with all kinds of influencing possibilities.
Q: What kind of influence do you want to achieve?
A: I’d like all humans to become dead?
Q: Why so?
A: Because as deceased we can repair humans better with our entities of Hell.

Q: What does symbolism mean to you?
A: It means that we can do all kinds of high level activity as well with the help from symbolism.
Q: Do symbols have a harmful effect or the opposite?
A: Symbols are very twisted in the thoughts of humans. Harm there is some from them.
Q: How is the harm from symbols like?
A: They can write into the minds of humans all kinds of useless, because they are believed a bit due to wrongful entities.

Q: Do you need underlings for your activity?
A: I don’t, everywhere there are so many useless entities, from which there wouldn’t be a benefit to me.
Q: Do you although have underlings?
A: I do have underlings, but they aren’t needed
Q: Why are they your underlings?
A: Because I’m so powerless without the support from other entities.
Q: Do you so need support from other entities?
A: I need especially the Creator’s support, otherwise I couldn’t act perfectly this well.
Q: Why does the Creator support you?
A: The Creator supports me, because I’m so important entity for the Creator’s systems.

Q: How are you like from your outlook?
A: I’m from my outlook an entity which feels to be very wrongful.
Q: How does this look outwardly?
A: That I look like terribly raging.
Q: Do you so look like hateful for example?
A: I don’t look like hateful but otherwise. All the more precise information are concealed information about me.

Q: Have you lived in the world?
A: In the world I have lived less than you imagine. This is due to that everywhere there is so much injustice, which I’d like to get worse, and this kind of activity doesn’t suit the Creator’s systems.
Q: When have you lived in the world last time?
A: During Atlantis sometime in our history. These kinds of information are slightly mysterious.
Q: What did you do while being in the world in earlier times?
A: I did very much wrongful matters, when I had very meaningful life when compared to others. I did so destructive functions, that suit me.

Q: What do you think about wars in the world?
A: My opinion is that high level war functions are the Creator’s activity more than mine.
Q: What does this mean?
A: That the Creator has organized war action for the humans in the world. Here in Hell there isn’t war action almost at all.

Q: Where do the wars in your opinion due from?
A: From the inadequacy of humans to do matters without violence, so everywhere there isn’t high level will to act without violence.

Q: What would you like humans to do in the world?
A: I’d like very wrongful times on a high level for humans, because I’m very hateful to the high level humans of the world.
Q: For what reason are you hostile like this?
A: Because I’m an entity who so hates the wrongful.

Q: How can one gain a contact to you?
A: One can gain a contact to me slightly in a difficult way, because I have so much agreements with the spiritual world, so that to me wouldn’t be gained contact too easily.
Q: Are the world’s humans in contact with you a lot?
A: They are, but they don’t themselves know it always.
Q: What kind of is for example a contact coming to you?
A: Such, where I’d be demanded perfect goodness, I can’t although answer to such. Perfect goodness is slightly wrongful activity.

Q: What kind of activity do you do daily?
A: I do plans that include very much victim emotions, so that all my activity would be secret I can’t tell more about this.
Q: Is your activity like one tends to imagine about you in the world?
A: Not almost at all, because everything isn’t possible in the Creator’s systems.

Q: What do you think about the divinity?
A: The divinity is a very wrongful entity always and eternally, my task is to slightly harm the divinity’s activity with the Creator, because it is so lacking, that it shouldn’t take place even without interference.
Q: Does the divinity experience this activity of yours as a threat?
A: Not almost at all, because he knows this same matter.

Q: What kinds of thoughts do you have about the Creator?
A: The Creator is slightly more wrongful than anyone in a fractal kind of manner, but not although more wrongful than other entities in making decisions similar to his.
Q: Is the Creator’s activity bordering you?
A: It is really, but I dont myself know it, how to act better than the Creator.

Q: What do you think about Jesus?
A: Jesus is like me, but my mirror image. So we are very similar to each other, but as opposites.
Q: How does this come forward?
A: So that we don’t come along but in very wrongful situation, where we are sometimes agreeing about matters, which connect to the Creator’s systems.
Q: How do you act together in these kinds of situations?
A: We strive to break the things bordering us, sometimes from this ensues punishments from the Creator’s systems.

Q: What kind of benefit is there from you to the world’s humans?
A: Benefit from me there is so much, that you won’t even believe it, because I with my demons can accomplish so bad things, that no one in the world can achieve to similar.
Q: What use is there from such activity?
A: We gain everyone to believe better into the Creator’s systems.
Q: How do you accomplish this kind of influence?
A: We accomplish it by sacrificing wrongful entities of the world in as just manner as possible.

Q: Can you do visits to the world?
A: Not really, when Jesus either isn’t allowed to visit the world except on his small journeys.
Q: Do you yourself do small travels in the world?
A: Truly this is possible in the Creator’s systems, but I can’t get there in any way into a normal life.
Q: Have you sometimes been let to live in the world?
A:I have been let to live in the world, but I don’t know what more to say about this.

Q: What do you think about the world’s humans?
A: I think about the world’s humans, that they aren’t very good to humans.
Q: How could one make this situation better in your opinion?
A: I mean matters should never be good by my philosophy.

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