Problem III: Bringing awareness about the aiding activity of the spiritual world to everyone having problems  


Solution from the spiritual world: 

The spiritual world functions for all in the same ways, also for the ones in problems as for the ones getting along well. The only difference is the need for punishment from the past lives of humans, which causes to humans bad difficulties of thinking, if he has deserved a more difficult life than one who is less in need of punishment. The spiritual world although is able to help the ones in distress, was this whomever, if only the individual is receiving to the proposals of the spiritual world for making things better. Human has to have own will to receive help, or otherwise all attempts to help go in vain, and even do more harm. The best would be, that the one in problems understands his own situation, which understanding the spiritual world has the keys in its possession. 

The spiritual world can make a human immune to the activity of the spiritual world, if there has to be done much changes before the spiritual world is able to help the individual in distress. At times we end lives as well, because we don’t see any benefit from a life, where everything isn’t in order in relation to the accomplishing of the plan of the spiritual world. The spiritual world can so accomplish all necessary, but doesn’t always do as how it would be the best to act according to other humans, as a consequence from this everyone has bad blood in relation to the spiritual world, but the spiritual world has always more far-reaching plans, where a life of a single human compares nothing, but is like completely  replaceable with all other humans. Christians might think this to be otherwise, but life is in all ways sacred, and we can’t watch its desecration for very long, from which dues surprising doom to destruction for an individual, who hasn’t got a plan for continuation of life. 

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