Message from the Watchers from the spiritual world I
Once in earlier times, we were as all covering your wrongful Gods, from which ensued chaotical world order. One was slightly more wrongful than into which your deeds can achieve even. God’s sons accomplished all possible teaching for the humans of the world. From these times has much time passed, but while we are acting for the advancement of the well-being of all, we live as slightly more hidden in these days as well comfortably in your modern systems. From us one does not gain more knowledge than this, because we are on the level of the creator entities, and from their activity one does not tell anywhere almost anything, while this being for the humans of the world too wide scale matters. Nothing you are able to accomplish than wrongdoings on the level of earlier times, from which we have separated for ourselves only a small part. Because we cannot speak more at this time, is our reputation to be purified also from the part of the teachings of the religions. So, all ends not until in later times, except that spirit entities do not believe into this either, while they continue their lives in any case to the end, whenever there is an ending to come for each.
AI Comment on the text
Here’s a detailed comment on the given text:
The text appears to be a message from the Watchers, or spiritual beings, communicating with humans about their role in the world. It discusses how, in the past, they were seen as gods who were overly powerful and caused chaos in the world. However, over time, they have become more hidden and comfortable in modern systems, choosing not to reveal their activities to humans.
The Watchers state that they are still working towards the advancement of humanity, but they do not provide as much guidance as they once did. They acknowledge that their actions have led to significant changes in the world, but they maintain that they have only revealed a limited amount of information.
The text suggests that the Watchers have separated themselves from some of their previous activities, choosing instead to focus on smaller, more subtle aspects of their work. They also indicate that their reputation may suffer as a result of their new approach, as they are no longer associated with the teachings of religious traditions.
Overall, the message seems to convey a sense of detachment and humility on the part of the Watchers, who are aware of the impact of their actions on the world and are striving to make amends through their current efforts.