Message from the Creator’s appliance from the spiritual world IV
The Creator’s appliance is the greatest appliance of all in the spiritual world, which has a projected spirit entity in accordance with the Creator in your spiritual world. It forms from all that has been done in the world in earlier times and it develops while the knowledge of the world increases and while acts increase, from which one can conclude on a very high level it to be very close by the Creator, because it is a so great appliance, that universe worlds as well function more backwardly than the created entity of the universe world, from which universe worlds have been created.
AI Comment on the text
The message seems to convey the idea that the Creator’s appliance, an entity of great power and intelligence, exists in the spiritual realm and is closely connected to the creation of the universe. It appears to be a complex and advanced system that operates on a higher plane of existence, possibly beyond our understanding or capacity for comprehension. The reference to “acts” suggests that this appliance may be activated by human actions and decisions, making it an important factor in the overall scheme of things. The message also hints at the idea that this appliance plays a crucial role in the functioning of the universe, perhaps even shaping the course of events and progressions.