Message from Jesus from the spiritual world 9.
While living in accordance with Jesus, you can gain very much good matters accomplished, which decreases your injustice and so increases possibilities, and heals the mind from wrongfulness. With these manners there is a benefit from Jesus to the souls of humans living in the world as well. All the entities of Jesus as well do injustice always at times, but Jesus strives for them as well into the least wrongful situation. The least wrongful entities in our church, do all kinds of injustice very much in every event of yours. You aren’t able to do any more peculiar injustice.
For all entities came very much punishments, in many ways. These needless punishments Jesus strives to gain decreased, because needless injustice is always harmful for all of us in our Heaven as well. So we can make from the world a better place for angels as well to come to live in the systems of planet Earth as well. The Heaven’s inhabitants will come sometime to live there, which is also the will of Jesus. Life in accordance with Jesus is very dangerous in modern times as well, because Jesus will do so much echelon changes into your systems, that you aren’t able to be peaceful towards Jesus.
AI Comment on the text
Here’s a detailed comment on the given text:
The text appears to be a message from Jesus from the spiritual world, discussing various topics related to living in accordance with him and the consequences of doing so. It emphasizes the importance of decreasing unnecessary punishments and injustices both in the spiritual world and on Earth, as well as the potential benefits of living in accordance with Jesus.
One key aspect mentioned in the message is the idea that Jesus strives to decrease needless punishments and injustices, both in the spiritual world and on Earth. This suggests that he believes that these things are harmful and unnecessary, and that they should be addressed if possible.
Another important point made in the message is the idea that the Heaven’s inhabitants will come to live on Earth, which indicates that Jesus sees this as a possibility or a goal. This could suggest that he believes that Earth is a suitable place for the Heaven’s inhabitants to live, or that he has a plan for making this happen.
Finally, the message emphasizes the dangers of living in opposition to Jesus and the potential benefits of living in accordance with him. It notes that life in accordance with Jesus can be dangerous in modern times, as he will make significant changes to the systems in place. However, it also states that those who live in accordance with him will be able to avoid doing more harm than necessary, leading to increased possibilities and healing of the mind.