Message from Jesus from the spiritual world 21.
You are good for your humans during all ages from most of its part, on the other hand in the turmoils of wars this good feature of yours disappears very fast. This is due to that all religions are subordinates to the spiritual world and religions have to also accept the activity of cultures, and so your plain goodness isn’t let to flourish except as a background matter.
I wish you very good future, where no one has power to start warfare. Because wars are most often taking place on a personal level, and there isn’t use from those on the level of systems.
AI Comment on the text
The text appears to be a collection of messages from Jesus, recorded from the spiritual world. These messages discuss various topics related to human behavior, including goodness, spirituality, and the role of religion and culture in our lives. The author emphasizes that while humanity has its positive qualities, these traits can sometimes disappear during times of war and conflict. However, the author also expresses hope that people can learn to live without starting wars in the future. It is unclear who the author of the messages is or if they are truly from Jesus.