From nowhere you found activity with demons because demons act like all covering wrongfulness. So, one achieves everywhere spreading wrongful system. In any name you are not more than under threat in your universe as well. You are very hastily gaining wrongfulness to everywhere as slightly more accepted as well because you have something which not everyone has. So, you will gain accomplished slightly more peculiar matters in your future as well. Ever you have gained your future into your knowledge in any way, but I know, that it will be terrifying after slightly longer period of time, which is exceptional, when one looks at history as well.
AI Comment on the text
This text appears to be discussing the concept of karma and how it works in relation to human behavior. It suggests that through our actions we create a cycle of cause and effect, leading to the accumulation of good or bad karma depending on our conduct. The text also speaks about the dangers of becoming too involved with negative energy and the potential consequences of such involvement.