About the entities of outer space 1
Date 15.6.2014 1.The entities of outer space are the most wrongful entities of our universe; they are even more wrongful than our planet Earth is from most of its part.…
Website with esoteric information
Date 15.6.2014 1.The entities of outer space are the most wrongful entities of our universe; they are even more wrongful than our planet Earth is from most of its part.…
Date: 20.2.2013 1.Our outer space is filled with matters of life, into which societies belong. Our societies in the outer space function in very different ways than the society of…
Date: 17.11.2013 1.Our entities of outer space have a very different system than we have, that is why the entities of outer space have developed new appliances also with our…
Date: 15.8.2013 1.The technologies of the entities of outer space function in a different way than the technologies of planet Earth. The technologies of planet Earth are greater from their…
Date: 11.6.2013 1.The entities of outer space will attack onto our planet Earth sometime in the future most likely. Most likely, the entities of outer space are still more wrongful…
Date: 4.6.2013 1.In our outer space, one acted with very wrongful armed forces in our modern times. While fighting against other entities of outer space the entities of outer space…
Date: 24.05.2013 1.The functions of our writings are very wrongful, because everything is wrongful according to the spiritual world. All the information of outer space is more wrongful than was…
Date: 22.04.2013 1.In our groups of outer space one was very wrongful in modern times, when everything went towards Hell. In our groups of outer space one acted so in…
Date: 19.04.2013 1.Our entities of outer space are very differently living than humans on your planet Earth. Everywhere on the planets of outer space one lives very wrongful life. All…
Date: 12.03.2013 1.Q: How many different groups of outer space are there on planet Earth today?A: Around fifteen.Q: How much do the different groups differ from each other?A: They differ…