Published 8.3.2015

The entities of outer space are the most wrongful entities of our universe also in modern times. Our entities have very wrongful activity everywhere. The state of the matter of all the wrongful functions is such, that the Creator punished everyone also earlier due to injustice. Everywhere there is so very wrongful activity in accordance with all the possibilities of injustice. Everywhere one acted so wrongfully by the groups of the entities of outer space.

All our valars were very wrongful everywhere on our galaxy, so the valars were also on planet Earth wrongful. No one from our humans is completely knowing about the valrs, but although with the help from the Creator we can gain additional information from the activity of the valars.

The functions of all the valars are very wrongful. They are going to bombard planet Earth in later times. No one on our planet Earth knows how it is like to become bombarded by the entities of outer space. Also the Creator will still learn from it. In the bombardment the planet Earth would be completely destroyed, if the valars of outer space would gain a permission for it from the spiritual world. This kind of permission isn’t although possible to gain in modern times.

Everywhere in our world there is very wrongful activity, which the valars do constantly to increase our injustice. The valars have a common meaning in relation to planet Earth together with the other groups of outer space, with which they try to become the rotators of planet Earth. Such could take place in later times, if the inhabitants of planet Earth wouldn’t act as rotators better than the outside entities of outer space.

In our outer space are the valars as rotators for other species, if they haven’t rotated their planets with enough skill according to the spiritual world. Our valars have very high level functions, with the help from which they strive to become our rotators in everything on our planet Earth. They have so great urges to do activity with us, but less beneficially than the humans of planet Earth would want.

The humans of planet Earth have slightly wrongfulness done everywhere, which the valars would abuse to gain even our governments on to their knees. Such is possible with the magic of the valar, in which they can appear as entities completely better than us, when the spiritual world would support more the valars than the humans of planet Earth.

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